Open Call Research2Business2Research (R2B2R)

R2B2R is an exchange activity aiming to expand the skills of the MPC organizations on water treatment sector. FP4BATIW offers travel bursaries (from MPC to EU and from EU to MPC). The beneficiaries of these bursaries are entrepreneurs and researchers from MPC and EU willing to work in a partner or WATER-KIC institution.

The FP4BATIW project offers 6 travel bursaries from EU to MPC to promote the EU & MPC individuals’ mobility as well as encourage contacts between institutions to joint participation in the H2020 programme.
The mobility schemes are addressed to entrepreneurs, experienced engineers and researchers from european companies working on the water treatment sector, having a good scientific level and English or French language skills to successfully push the knowledge transfer and explore options for future research collaboration, enabling exchange of techniques, knowledge and materials.
The mission will take place in Tunisia, from 25th to 30th October 2015. In such missions it is planned to visit Agrifood and Textile sector related companies during 28th and 29th of October as well as arrangement of meetings with other potential Water-KIC members in Tunisia during the brokerage event that will be organized the 27th of October.

1st July 2015 – Call is open for EU applicants visiting MPC
31st July 2015 – Deadline of the call
10th September 2015 – Evaluation and selection
11th September 2015 – Information of the applicants
25-30th October 2015 – Mission in Tunis

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segnalato da Andrea Pisanelli

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Scuola di scienze Agrarie, Forestali, Alimentari e Ambientali (SAFE-UNIBAS)

Tiziana Gentilesca

Scuola di scienze Agrarie, Forestali, Alimentari e Ambientali (SAFE-UNIBAS)

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